Spoken Language Alignment

The Patient view screen displays the Preferred Spoken Language in the Patient Banner. If the patient has more than one spoken language, a More button appears to the right for you to click and view.

Making an appointment for a patient with a preferred spoken language from the Patient View, aligns the clinician's spoken languages with the patient's preferences.

Note - This option needs to be enabled in Preferences. See Preferences - Patient Data.
  1. Open the Patient view - see Accessing Patient View.
  2. From the Patient view click Add Appointment.
  3. The Session view open and displays a selected patient message containing Patient Name, location and registered GP details.
    The view has automatically filtered the patients preferred language against clinician's spoken languages.
  4. Select an appointment and the patient details are automatically populated.
  5. Add any relevant appointment comments and patient related notes as required then press Save.
If you already have a filter set within Session view, for example "Advanced slots" the language alignment adds to your existing filter. Therefore, if your patient speaks Welsh, when you click Add appointment in Patient View, your filter changes to Advance slots for Dr Clarke who has a spoken language of Welsh.
This filter remains on until cleared by the user.